Read toddlercon hentia online

Is 'inference reading' an overlooked method for online trend-spotting?

2024.06.10 03:27 JustTrendingHere Is 'inference reading' an overlooked method for online trend-spotting?

Chat-bot content on 'Inference reading'-'Inference reading' or 'Inference scanning' for online trend-spotting involves analyzing various online sources such as social media, blogs, forums, news articles, and other digital platforms to identify emerging trends, patterns, and insights.
This method requires reading between the lines, understanding context, and interpreting subtle cues to infer what topics are gaining traction, what sentiments are prevalent, and what actions people are taking.
It's about drawing conclusions from the available data to anticipate upcoming trends and adapt strategies accordingly.
What are familiar terms (nouns) which come-to mind?
Online searches generally apply nouns.
A rather mundane grammar-use in online searches might yield important emerging trends across a diversity of topics.
Example of search approaches favorable for trend-spotting:
Search methods:
In a nutshell, online trend-spotting is reading between the lines (and the words) in order to separate the "signal from the noise." Trend-spotting is more of an art than a science.
Specific KEYWORDS are largely the science part of trend-spotting.
Content containing the following KEYWORDS may be content signalling emerging trends.
What emerging trends might show-up in news-content published over the previous '24 hours?' The previous 'week?'
Online-search tip: Specific words to exclude from search-results pages are also important. The 'advanced search page' offers an option to exclude content containing specific keywords from search-result page listings An example of content containing keywords to exclude, 'he' 'she' 'me.'
Search-results with content mentioning such terms as "he said", "she said" are usually irrelevant to content on emerging trends. Applying searches in order to exclude 'he' 'she' 'me' greatly reduces the number of irrelevant search-result listings.
submitted by JustTrendingHere to Trends [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:27 Accurate-Queen1905 Literally listen!

Literally listen! submitted by Accurate-Queen1905 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:23 pork-pies New user lost with the UI

Hi all, sorry I was hoping there was a faq. Fr965 is what I have.
I’m just a little lost, coming from the AW, things just seemed a little more intuitive.
It seems as though if I want to access certain things often, I need to put them in the list of controls? How does one easily set a timer?
I’m a bit disheartened by reading about Apple Health integration, I found a thread somewhere online that was talking about a petition, from 2 years ago and no further news.
The torch? I mean, it’s somewhat functional in low light. But why can’t the entire face be a white or red light instead of going for something that looks cool?
I guess what I really need to do is figure out the five/ten key things I use and tie them to shortcut keys to get faster access.
I’m happy with my purchase. But I also didn’t realise how menu heavy this thing is.
submitted by pork-pies to Garmin [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:22 Ok_Nectarine_9411 U Michigan linkage

Hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone had a successful linkage to U Michigan. If not UMich, any linkage story would be helpful too.
My questions: What post bacc did you come from, what was your GPA, what was your MCAT (I read UMich wants an 85 percentile score), and what was your SAT?
I read online from Columbia’s postbacc that there was a required SAT of 1350, and I might retake the SAT (if that’ll work) to add 150 to my 1200. I also read UMich will “look at the whole applicant” if the student does not meet thier MCAT 85 percentile requirement. I know that might be a bunch of bs. But I want to know if I have a shot to link.
I know I probably don’t have a shot at Bryn mawr and goucher. My cGPA is 3.94, and I’m still looking around at postbacc programs. Out of all linkages I saw, the UMich one is really appealing because of the “wholistic” approach I read off of Columbia’s site (which once again, I’m not sure if I buy it)
My final question: Did you receive a merit scholarship from? I know these schools would prob take advantage of you as a linkage.
submitted by Ok_Nectarine_9411 to postbaccpremed [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:20 rollerG12 Stage 4 NSCLC - KRAS

I was recently diagnosed with stage 4 NSCLC (squamous) at the age of 28. I just recently started Chemo + Immunotherapy (Carboplatin + Abraxane along with Keytruda and another drug).
I just today found out that my cancer is KRAS G13R positive, and from what I am reading online this is associated with a much poorer prognosis than non KRAS positive cancer and it is likely that Chemo and Immuno will be ineffective.
Does anyone have experience with KRAS? Is it true it does not respond well to chemo and immuno? Is it still possible to get to NED with KRAS?
I was positive before this but now I am losing hope.
submitted by rollerG12 to lungcancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:19 ForestFaeXx Instagram connection

Hi guys. So recently I started following this guy who lives in my city, he posted in a local facebook group some of his photos that he's taking, and left his Instagram handle so that's how I found him. Anyways, he followed me back right away and messaged me saying that he liked my art. We've been going back and forth since then, but here's the thing.... I've struggled with some limerence in the past with other people and I tend to over think WAY too much. The issue I'm having right now is, I can already tell I'm very attracted to this person, from his photos and the way he speaks he just seems decent. No party photos, lots of solo hiking photos, campfires.. pretty much everything that I love. Anyways, he will read my replies and then leave them on read for hours, but still be online within that time. He's flirted slightly, and has asked some personal questions, so it makes me think that he is curious about me, right? I'm really just trying not to get my hopes up, as I've been very disappointed and hurt in the past. I'm also pretty picky about who I allow in my life and it's not often I come across people that I actually like. Tell me what you think this all means. And put me in my place if you have to. Signed - a hopeless romantic.
submitted by ForestFaeXx to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:18 TXLonghornFan22 Need help finding a microchip to read pet microchips

I am trying to build my own cat feeder that reads their microchip to open. I looked up what frequency my pets were and it seems like most in the US use 134.2 kHz. A lot of other places use 125 kHz. My issue is that all the chips I can find online either only read 125 kHz or say the read 134.2, but looking at reviews or documentation, they actually don't go that high. Anyone know of one that can actually read that frequency?
submitted by TXLonghornFan22 to diyelectronics [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:15 blackpianist ELI5 - Canadians - Why do we not protest about our OWN problem?

ELIF - It just came to mind after reading some news about protest that are happening, specifically in Toronto. Alot of them are about Israel, Palestine, even couple months back about Ukraine.
However, I never hear about protests for problem of CANADA - I mean crazy tip amounts, inflating house prices, drug problems (more in our BC brothers), carbon tax, you name it.
So why are Canadian (us) not protesting against these? Sure we have lobbyist but these are problem I see more in day to day conversation and random online vents, but why do we have people from other country complaining about problem, IN ANOTHER COUNTRY, but not so much problem in this country?
submitted by blackpianist to ELI5fr [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:09 ch3rryflav0ur3d_ is my piercing rejecting?

is my piercing rejecting?
the first photo was taken a couple days(?) after i got it done, and the second photo is taken now. i’ve had it for about a month and a half. it’s a barbell, and it has not been downsized. it’s not warm to the touch or anything. could it possibly be that the swelling has gone down? it’s been kind of pussing but i read online that pussing can be a symptom of healing but i have no idea how true that is. i use a saline spray occasionally (i don’t really take good care of any of my piercings, but they all seemed to heal fine.) the skin just looks super see-through and im kind of worried.
submitted by ch3rryflav0ur3d_ to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:08 Financial_Shock542 Egypt book

Hi. Does anyone remember the name of the book Blaise bought Christine for her birthday? I have been searching online and can’t remember which episode she brought it up. I have been searching for a new book to read and it sounded interesting
submitted by Financial_Shock542 to atwwdpodcast [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:08 HtownThrowaway12 24 [M4F] #US #TX/Anywhere in the states, looking for a friend!

Wazzup Reddit!
Know it’s probably a major shot in the dark, but truly looking for that somebody!
I’m starting grad school in the next couple months, but am free traveling for the summer before that. Happy for it to be online, and don’t mind too long distance as long as within the US.
I really love to cook awesome Thai food, play tennis, walk my best boy (Akita pics on request :), game when I have the spare time (league and PlayStation solo story games mostly), and reading and writing (Tolkien, Hemingway, and CS Lewis are the best!)
Looking for someone ideally between 20-30, who matches my goofiness, stays active, but also loves a couch potato day, and is from the states!
Hope to hear from somebody, even if it’s just a chat for the day I’m down :)
Physically I am a 5’10, brown eyes, black hair, white, and relatively fit.
submitted by HtownThrowaway12 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:07 uninteruptings want some advice?

long read, sorry.
i graduated highschool in 2021, and i immediately went to college that fall as an education major. i have/had a very good scholarship, and i stayed home and went to my local university. (which is a big school but regardless i saved money- tuition was paid for)
i started going into classrooms with real kids and realized i could not be an educator in this society. after reflection, i realized i had only picked education because i was a product of severe academic validation and wanted to stay in education because that is all i knew. i do not like youth.
for textbook and living money, i worked at a kennel part time while in college, and i really loved it. i started working in the vet industry full time as a kennel tech over the summer, and then decided to try biology and then maybe go to vet school. i definitely love animals and could see myself doing this. (at the time)
then, i ended up withdrawing from classes that semester, i was working over 40 hours a week and only making it to lecture, and then going back to work. did homework on break and was so stressed. i got overwhelmed, and decided to try to go to school full time after getting some help for the burnout. (i tried to ☠️) i figured i could just come back to the vet industry once i was healed.
so the semester goes by, and then on more of a whim, i actually switched to business because i didn’t want to be in debt going to vet school, or move far with no support (vet school is nowhere near me), and i didn’t really want to be a vet either. i loved being a kennel tech and working hands on with animals, so i started doing business in case i could do kennel or vet practice management.
however, after leaving the workforce, i got some unexpected medical bills from mental health treatment that i sought out during my time of crisis and i became pretty in debt. i thought i had covered my bases, but i had to pause school for the time being, and i started trying to work again. i had the HARDEST time finding a job. the economy had tanked.
not just in the vet industry, but everywhere. i could not get a job to save my life. i was applying nonstop for a few months. finally, i got a job through someone i knew and only got part time employment in a pharmacy as a tech.
i knew i didnt want this permanently, but i have spent over 7 months working there because my debt was eating me alive along with the costs of living. i feel like i have barely put a dent in any of my debt because of the interest, but i could not find full time employment anywhere or for a good hourly rate where it would be worth it.
i have not been able to pay off the debt yet, which i planned to do, and then go back to school. but, life. and part-time only employment. i couldnt even get a serving job.
i started applying again and again to find something. FOR MONTHS. i know i have no degree and short term jobs, so it was very hard.
finally, i just got an offer and i start next week at an office job making a pretty decent wage entry level. i will be out of debt in a few months, by budgetting and staying on track. FINALLY.
it feels like i am an extreme failure because of how behind i got in college/careelife. i am supposed to be graduating in 2025, but now i only have about 70 credits total for a business degree pathway due to me changing so often, and stopping.
i have let go my dreams of working in the vet industry. there are very few opportunties in my area, and they are very labor intensive and the schedules are intense. overtime required, holidays, etc. it is a hard job. very emotionally taxing, and while i would love to, i need to have more life balance. i want to enjoy the life i have worked hard to heal.
i am thinking about finishing my business administration associates degree. i have 6 classes left, and i can get them done at a community college here in one semester. it is online as well. i am making myself get out of debt completely before even considering this. but i need to work and be able to finish as well, because i can’t repeat old mistakes. anything could happen, and it is hard to find a job. i can’t start over.
the office job i have gotten is a small business in my area, who has been here for 20+ years. they specialize in autoloans, and they offered me 32,000 anually with no degree. they said that is entry wages and there is a lot of room for growth. after lots of research, majority of the company has been there 5+ years.
AFTER GETTING OUT OF DEBT, i am pretty sure i want to spend one more semester buckling down and getting my associates because i would like something completed. i need something to have under my belt. but what career path do i have beyond that?
i have already really been impressed with this company, despite not even physically starting. it really sounds somewhere i can grow and i have since realized i want to stay somewhere longterm and build stability. it seems the only way i can protect myself.
but what options do i have to fall back on with a as in ba?
i really feel too nervous to think about finishing my bachelors, i have had so many setbacks it feels like. school and work together is a lot to balance, and i can stomach a semester but maybe not more years.
i graduated with a 3.9, 1300 sat score. i had a full ride scolarship, and i still have a 3.4 overall gpa in college. i am smart, but i lost all direction and confidence. is this smart the path i stumbled down? what would you do going forward if you had these circumstances?
thanks for reading:)
submitted by uninteruptings to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:59 CharmingPurchase4897 POPPED BOIL INFECTION

Popped a boil infection????
20 male caucasian 270lbs healthy individual other than eating habit not smoking no known conditions no medications i work renovations
just popped a boil… used alot of alchohol while doing it and also cleaned it very well and applied a band aid
but been reading online that i will now get sepsis because i wasnt a medically trained professional that did it…….. will i get sepsis? i cleaned everything before use sterilized the area
(91% isopropyl alcohol)
and then continued to wipe with alchohol damped toilet paper….. is there any chance for infection still? its dry and covered
ill add i get cut at work with wayyy dirtier shit and dont get infected
submitted by CharmingPurchase4897 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:59 glenm06 chance me and recommend colleges pls

Demographics: male, latino, family income ~200k, large public school (2k+ students) in a dc suburb (va), very competitive high school
Intended Major(s): poly sci or foreign affairs
SAT: 1500 (retaking august)
UW/W: 3.95/4.43
Rank: school doesn’t do ranks, but in the top 5% of class
APs: 12 total, 1 DE.
AP World History (4), AP Seminar (5), APUSH (4/5 predicted), AP Psych (5 predicted), AP Lang (4/5 predicted), AP Chem (3/4 predicted), AP Calc AB, APES, AP Gov/Comp Gov, AP Human Geo, AP African American Studies. (DE English 12 online)
Awards: (my awards are very minimal): award from NOAA for science project, Harvard Book Award, 1st place at school and 2nd at regionals for science project, 4 other faculty awards (1 student in school awarded for each), MANY awards (1st places) for speech and debate at regional and state levels, also nationally ranked as a top 100 extemp. speaker, placed in top 3 at regional FBLA competition, varsity letter in choir
-there’s more but none of it is rly as prominent
LORs: asking speech coach i’ve known since 9th grade (her rec this year got someone into 3 ivys this year), asking apush teacher; we are pretty close, ap lang teacher; we are very close and she likes me, and counselor which we are decently close considering she has ~200 kids
Schools: georgetown (ED), dartmouth, uva (in state), washington and lee, william and mary, gw, vtech, jmu
submitted by glenm06 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:58 Freded21 Game Review Request

Hi Reddit! Here I am playing as black (5k) in a no komi game against white(4k).
I would like to ask this baduk for a game review, specifically moves which give you a feeling of "oh no, he needs to learn not to do this." I realized right away that e3 should have been f2, things like that.
I chose this game because I feel like it was a game where my opponent and I both played well without any huge mistakes, but I still lost soundly (especially considering the no komi).
I feel like I lost a lot with my center fighting but maybe that is not an accurate feeling, I felt ahead after solidifying the left but maybe that was wrong too.
Thank you for reading :)
submitted by Freded21 to baduk [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:58 Ok_Broccoli_2108 After 12 years I'm crawling out of denial and need help, but getting access to a doctor and care is so difficult (rant)

I was only fifteen years old when I started having constant diarrhea, no matter what I ate. I was always skinny, but in just under two months of going to the bathroom up to eight times a day, my parents noticed the pounds dropping off and forcibly took me to go see my pediatrician. I was 5'2 and 102 pounds before all of it, but at the doctor's I weighed in at 87 pounds. I was sent to the emergency of a Children's Hospital and they admitted me, initially in with the anorexics.
After several tests they diagnosed me with Crohn's disease and I was transferred to the gastroenterology wing. Immediately we were told about Remicade and Imuran. My parents were always somewhat health-nuts, and distrustful of doctors, so they did their own online research. The doctors would try to speak to me on my own and make these drugs seem like miraculous healing injections. "You could eat whatever you want, go out with your friends and not be left out..." etc. One lady ended that talk with "of course, there is a small risk of developing lymphoma, but you know you could eat what you want!". We once saw the pharmaceutical rep for Remicade exit the office of the head of the department, and my parents told me how the doctors get handsomely paid to prescribe certain drugs.
My mom read online that some people could control their symptoms with diets, like the Seignalet diet. So, being fifteen, I decided to go with what my parents thought was best. My Crohn's was very spread at the time, but mainly in the small intestine. At my lowest I dropped to 79 pounds, so in order to get back to a healthy weight, I followed two months on a liquid diet of Modulen and took Entocort pills. Pentasa made me sicker so I stopped that. The Entocort really helped.
I got back to a semi healthy state and cut gluten and dairy from my diet. I had to be careful what I ate and learned my trigger foods. At the age of 18 I went back for a capsule camera test, where they film the inside of your GI tract. There were still ulcers and inflammation. I couldn't be seen at the Children's Hospital anymore due to my age, and fell through the cracks of the system.
For years I never thought about Crohn's, didn't want to think about it as it triggered anxiety and denial and avoidance are my coping mechanisms. I was doing pretty fine, although the list of trigger foods grew larger every year. By 21 I became a vegan, since fish, meat and eggs all became very bad triggers. There are many random triggers too, for example cooked soy sauce (as in a stir fry) is mortal, but uncooked with vegetarian sushi is fine.
At 24 I had a rough patch and decided to seek help. I live in Canada and our healthcare system is A.B.Y.S.M.A.L. I don't have a family doctor, but I managed to get an appointment with a generalist, who referred me to a gastroenterologist. When I got there, she acted so uninterested, kept looking at her watch, and she prescribed me a huge dose of Mezavant, since Entocort isn't covered by public health insurance for adults. Each pill is pretty big, and she told me to take 4 a day. I was doubtful but thought she probably knew what she was doing.
I reacted to it like you'd react to a gastrointestinal virus. Vomited and shat myself dry for two days, dizzy, couldn't keep water down. My dad tried to call the clinic and she was supposedly out of the country, but her assigned nurse said I should take the pills again in a smaller dose "to see what it does". I obviously didn't, and she never tried to contact me again. I later learned that Mezavant has the same active ingredient as Pentasa, which I had told her I had reacted badly to. Eventually my condition improved on its own.
So for years, I avoided the topic of my diagnosis. Shut it out. My boyfriend doesn't like hearing about the symptoms too so it made it easy to keep ignoring. I could go months without it crossing my mind. My diet kept becoming more restricted. In bad phases I manage to eat very little amounts of food, because the less I eat, the less likely I am to react badly.
But about a year ago, I started having a type of pain I never had before, after reacting to something I was used to eating. It felt like a point just left and a bit below my navel. For a few weeks I couldn't lie on my front. If I had more than breakfast and went for a long walk, I would get pain there like stitch, but pretty bad to the point I had to stop if I was hiking, or wait for the bus. That got better around last September, but the stitch on a walk after lunch remained at times.
In February, on a random day at university, that central lower left pain came back with a vengeance. I went on about my life, but it was dull, growing ache as long as I was standing up. It would be better if I sat, and gone if lying down. For about a week, even just the waist of my pants rubbing on my skin there felt painful. I managed to go about my life as always though. It wasn't even linked to diarrhea. However, even if it has gotten better since, a bout of diarrhea can make that pain come, but not as bad as in February.
Went to see another doctor in March, because I have grown tired and hopeless about this issue. I was told the wait time for a consultation with a gastroenterologist is minimum 3 months, but it could be longer. Meanwhile, I am so beyond done. Tired of not being able to eat anything without heavy planning going into it and of feeling left out of social events. Even if I go to a birthday party at a restaurant and can only have a mocktail on the menu, I'm glad to be there and included, but also feel somewhat excluded by this condition. I can no longer drink alcohol either, I can't really have lunch, so I only have a snack bar and a gluten free vegan muffin for lunch usually. I am hungry almost every day, even if I often forget to eat now, but if time has taught me anything, it's that nothing is worth having to sit on the toilet with crampy diarrhea. It's the absolute worst. The thought of surgery is my worst nightmare and I would rather die.
Now at 27, I am 5'5 and weigh 106 pounds, and people, even strangers often comment on my weight and say I need to eat more. I don't really lose weight, I have been like this for about 2-3 years, but my family loves to comment on my bones when they hug me. They're all slightly overweight so maybe their perception of normality is warped though. The biggest I got was 128 pounds when I was 20 and lived abroad, then it decreased and maintained around 106-112 since.
So anyway, here I am, feeling pretty hopeless. I hope I get a callback before the fall. I'm finishing my Masters so as a student I can't afford private care yet. I think I'm at a point now where I am finally ready to explore medication, because I am sick and tired of restricting myself. I've now read all the doom and gloom, but I'd love to know that there actually is hope for someone like me to live a normal life and not always fear everything I put in my mouth that isn't one of my "safe" foods.
Sorry for the long rant.
submitted by Ok_Broccoli_2108 to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:55 No-Stuff-1320 Ultralight box for fishing tackle?

I’m setting up UL fishing gear for stream and lake trout but I can’t find a suitable tackle container.
Looking for a box for a few mepps Aglia 1&2s, trout magnets, hooks, swivels, ez trout floats, mouse tails, pencil weights and some leader line, preferably on the reel to prevent damage and knots.
Everyone online seems to be discussing their UL tackle not the boxes themselves. I can’t seem to find boxes that will fit all my needs.
Been seeing the cheap Plano adjustable ones online but they seem like loose hooks etc would slip through them. Read about the Plano edge terminal but all the extra plastic seems not UL.
I’ve considered getting a box with no dividers but I’d likely keep all the original packaging which would degrade over time and be a mess inside.
Anyone know of a quality small tackle box that would prevent small hooks slipping between compartments and not get completely disorganised when you pick it up?
Would be for use hiking and camping, alternatives to a tackle box could also be considered.
submitted by No-Stuff-1320 to Ultralight [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:53 PotentialPersonal404 Is there a dewormer that I can use on a crayfish when I first get it?

I’m wondering if there is a dewormer I can give the crayfish when I first get it. I read online they can get worms that are spreadable to people and I want to know if there’s a medication I can give the crayfish to prevent it.
submitted by PotentialPersonal404 to Crayfish [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:53 candyjar_ you all need to go outside

you all need to go outside
i know i'll get called a mod meatrider for this or some shit like that, but holy fuck, y'all are actually pretty damn chronically online
just go do something else while the servers are down. cook, draw, write, clean, read, play a game... it's not the end of the world. and if you reeeeaaaally want to talk to some bots, then go to other sites, character ai isn't the only site available that offers this kind of service
this post is directed towards those who actually get mad that the site is down, writing whole ass paragraphs about how shitty the devs and the site is, like, brother in christ, it's just a website. every time i see a post like that it reminds me of those videos of kids raging because their internet/game had been turned off lol
and if you ask me why i wrote this, i'm just a bored hater waiting for my game to finish downloading. also because every single damn post that pops up in my feed is about the same stuff but in a different font, you all are annoying, but what can someone expect from a fanbase full of 13 years old
submitted by candyjar_ to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:53 imlearni Video games for my 7 year old that is in Chinese

Ok, before anyone tells me that video games are too addictive for little kids - yes, I know!!!! I am firmly against it and wish I can just hide my kid from all games, so he never plays any. But alas, he is already exposed and is always hiding from me, trying to find games online while I’m distracted or not looking.
Anyway, I figure I might as well do some research and find some games that is approved by me at least, so he doesn’t have to hide anymore and I can just give him some guidelines/rules on playing it, so he can get it out of his system (maybe?).
But I know nothing about gaming. Which one to choose? I want a game system with games that can reinforce Chinese (my son is fluent and read at a first-second grade level - native standard). This way, at least I feel like he is learning Chinese as well (umm…it’s educational?). Which ones do you recommend that can be played in Chinese? Also, I feel like in order for any Chinese learning to happen, there needs to be lots of audio, so something like Mario Kart probably won’t work. Obviously nothing violent or sexual please.
submitted by imlearni to ChineseLanguage [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:50 sheisthemoon Trouble with hotel in Dells

So i had booked a small family vacation (our first ever, we are so excited and this is a HUGE deal for us, momentous, saved up for 2 years) and read the reviews, everything was great. I compared and pored over the net for any possible issues for weeks. There were none, and i liked staying with a local family owned place as opposed to a big corporate place. I happily booked our vacation 45 days in advance and set about sitting on my hands in excitement.
Today, the day before our stay begins, i get an optional upgrade email stating the hotel doesn't offer any "free passes" although other emails state they are included in the resort fees, which i have paid. This means to attend the waterpark and theme park that was promised and the reason i booked this partucular hotel, which was pricier than many others, we would have to come out of pocket- now with zero notice or time to pay ahead online either- which would more than triple the cost of this trip. It is straight up -not possible- for us to do this. We don't have that much money set aside. I hoped maybe it's just a typo or something, surely they wouldn't yank the amenities after we have paid and have proof.
They did.
I looked at reviews again in a panic and noticed everyone that has stayed there in the past 2 months has had the exact same issue. No passes for anyone. Manager doesn't care, won't refund, too bad. Furthermore, people have been waiting hours to get into their rooms past checkout time, the average is 3 hours. This will eat up a whole day of being able to do anything as everything seems to close around 5. Every hour here is highly valuable to us.
Of course we are one day past the cancellation period, so this hotel stay is being paid for whether we go or not. The upgrade email is the only thing that said no passes offered, i have plenty of screenshots and emails saying they are part of our package. It was sneaky to wait until we couldn't cancel to send this email, and even sneakier to put it in the small print and hide it. I am PISSED. I booked it through the choice priveleges system, They're in the choice-ascend hotels group. Apparently it was sold this year and the new owners are taking it down the tubes, pun intended.
We will happily go to stay at a regular hotel that does offer the passes, of which there are many. But we can't pay for both. I would need a rwfund or at least a partial refund to be able to do that. Does anyone have any advice on what to do here? I have tried calling the hotel numerous times and have left messages, no replies as of yet. It's not looking good. I can't bring my 6 year old to sit in a hotel all week long and look out at the waterslides she was supposed to go on. I am heartbroken.
submitted by sheisthemoon to wisconsin [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:46 Suitable-Concert Anyone have experience with Hills c/d wet food?

Anyone have experience with Hills c/d wet food?
My poor guy had to be taken to the emergency vet last night because there was blood in his urine and he wasn’t peeing. Thankfully, no blockages, but they found 3 small bladder stones. They gave me Hills c/d food to hopefully dissolve the stones without needing surgery, and say this will be a lifetime diet change now. He’s only 4, and the food is very expensive. I was also reading a few forums online and heard a few pet owners find correlation with beginning this diet and developing feline diabetes, which I know from experience to be a very long, costly journey as well.
I’m obviously going to do everything I can for him and will make it work, but I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this food? He has a regular annual check up in a few weeks when I can talk to his regular vet about the change, but wondering if it’s possible to see if these stones disintegrate and then switch over to a cheaper wet food for the remainder of his (hopefully long!) life.
submitted by Suitable-Concert to blackcats [link] [comments]